Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Laser Tag m0dul

    This project was inspired by an off-the-cuff comment during Maker Faire UK in March 2011. Over the weekend I was hanging out with members from a number of UK hackerspaces. One day a small group went off to play a game of Laser Tag. The paraphrased comment that suck in my mind after that was…

  • Irish Hackerspaces Week 2011 Workshops

    As part of Irish Hackerspaces Week I’ve arranged to give two workshops in TOG and I hope to be able to give the same workshops in 091 Labs, Milk Labs and Nexus Cork. The workshop are suitable for beginners and you can sign up by clicking on the links below

  • Chaos Communication Camp 2011

    Next week I’m going to Chaos Communication Camp which takes place near Berlin. Every four years the camp provides an exciting opportunity to hang out and work on projects, attend various talks and socialise. At the camp I’m planning to spend a lot of time in the Hx2 Hardware Hacking Area. I had originally signed…

  • MindField

    This weekend April 29th to May 1st I’ll be helping to run a hardware hacking area in the Hackerspace Tent at MindField – International Festival of Ideas. Taking place inside Merron Square park in Dublin’s city centre MindField offers a diverse programme of talks, debates and workshops covering various topics on culture, technology, politics and…

  • LED Matrix Display

    Last Sunday I gave a workshop in TOG as part of it’s Engineers Week 2011 activities. We spent the day assembling a 8×8 Red/Green LED Matrix Display circuit which I designed in strip board. The circuit forms an interface between a micro controller and a 8 by 8 Dual Colour Common Anode LED Module. This…

Got any book recommendations?